Marijana Karic Markota, ny målvakt i Skövde HF
Inför Säsongen 2021-2022 har Skövde HF skrivet ett tvåårigt avtal med Marijana Karic Markota, född 1996. Marijana har under säsongen 2020-21 spelat i Franska Aunis Handball och är urpsrungligen från Serbien. Hon har tidigare spelat i Serbiska ungdomslandslaget och ska fylla skorna efter Josephine Nordstrøm som går vidare till Skuru IK.
– Etter at det tidligere i vår ble klart at Josephine Nordstrøm forlater Skövde etter sesongen har vi hatt en grundig prosess for å finne hennes erstatter. Johan Green i samarbeid med meg har lagt ned mye tid på å kartlegge markedet og identifisere gode kandidater. Og vi har hatt mange navn på blokken. Det har vært viktig for oss å rekruttere en målvakt som vi tror passer inn i vårt prosjekt – sportslig, ut fra hvilken håndball vi ønsker å spille, men også sosialt.
– I Marijana tror vi at vi har lykkes med å få tak i en spiller som krysser av i mange av boksene våre. Hun er fremdeles ung, treningsvillig og sulten på utvikling, men kommer også med en god del erfaring i ryggsekken – gjennom spill på øverste nivå samt yngre landslag i Serbia og nest øverste nivå i Frankrike. Spillmessig får vi en teknisk bra og eksplosiv målvakt, som i tillegg er god på å sette i gang spillet og vil tilføre en positiv dimensjon i kontringsspillet vårt. Utenfor banen får vi en positiv, glad, energisk person som jeg tror folk i og rundt Skövde HF vil sette pris på og bli glad i.
Vi ställde några frågor till Marijana om vem hon är mm:
– Please tell us a little about yourself?
I am Marijana Karic Markota , handball goalkeeper. I was born 14 August 1996. in Serbia and I currently live in France. I am married and have no child. I speak 4 languages : Serbian, English, French, Spanish and I hope to learn fifth soon (Swedish)?
I finished Mathematics natural science BAC in Serbia and Formation French as a foreign language in France.
I am a communicative person and i like to explore and learn new things. I like to progress and create new experiences as well as exchange opinions and advices with other people. At work, i am proffesional, respectful, perseverance and responsible. I appreciate teamwork, cooperation and fair play.
– What is your handball experience?
I started handball when I was ten years old, so today I can say that I have experience about 15 years in handball. In the beginning i played championships by age categories and school competitions and when I was 17 I signed my first proffesional contract in First Division in Serbia for the club named Knjaz Milos with which i won the Championship one time and two times we won the Cup. I participated with this club in European Competitions – Challenge Cup and EHF Cup. After 4 years passed in this club, I moved in club Naisa also in First Serbian Division, where i stayed one season and we ended on 2 place in the Championship and also with this team i participated in Challenge Cup. Then i moved to France in club Cagnes from 5 Division and we won the Championship and entering the higher ranking in 4 Division. After that season i moved in my current club Aunis handball in 2Division France and this is my second year here. I am currently the first goalkeeper in the league by statistics.
I was a member of the national team Serbia until my 21 years and we won second place in Mediterranean games (U17), participated on European Championship (19) and Qualifications for the World Championship (U20)
– How do you feel about moving to Sweden?
I am really happy and excited about my moving to Sweden. I will do my best to integrate as soon as possible in the new club and in the new town also. I want to meet a new style and culture of handball in Sweden. I would like to get to know the culture and mentality of your country outside of handball and try to learn your language too.
This will be big step and a challenge for my life and my handball career. I hope that in the team we will all work together and progress to achieve the goals.
– Do you have any special interests outside handball?
I like to discover and learn new things. So i like to watch documentaries, research channels about animals, history, different parts of the world. I love traveling and visiting historical monuments.
Inför kommande säsong är följande spelare nu klara:
Marijana Karic (Mv)
Ida Eriksson
Melina Pilav
Tindra Sahlin Wallenius
Ilda Kepic
Marielle Lideskär
Elma Örtemark
Nathalie Wästefors
Moa Andersson
Andrea Niva
Nikoline Lundgreen
Nora Jakobsson van Stam
Britta Jakobsson van Stam
Hannele Nilsson

Storseger för HF Somby/Skövde i derbyt mot HK Country 45-20 (23-8).
Storseger för HF Somby/Skövde i derbyt mot HK Country 45-20 (23-8).

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